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Keeping your Equipment Models Current
Keeping your Equipment Models Current

A guide for admin users to keep your equipment matchups and model numbers current.

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Written by Customer_Success
Updated over a week ago

This article offers tips to keep the equipment models in your system up to date, making it easier for your team to select the right matchups when customizing a proposal, and avoid offering outdated or discontinued products.

We'll warn you up front...this is one of the longer articles in our help section. But once you understand these features you and your team will save a lot of time in the future.

The tips in this article cover two primary scenarios:

  1. Update or remove models that your company does or does not offer.

  2. Remove or phase out models that have been discontinued by your supplier

We'll use a few features on the Office app, including both the Bundle Manager and the Equipment Alternates views. 

NOTE: This article applies to equipment sourced via a Connected OnCall Air Partner (aka, "Live" equipment). It does not apply to Custom Equipment.

I. Getting familiar with the Bundle Manager

The Bundle Manager is accessible in the Office, and is a critical tool to be familiar with as it can help to monitor your matchups, and also ensure you have the right combination available.

The first thing to know about the Bundle Manager is that it's designed to view and manage your preferred (ie, favorite) system matchups. In other words, it is not meant to be a comprehensive view of all matches but rather your starting point. 

This approach of only managing your preferred bundles accomplishes three things: 

(a) It allows your team to have an easier starting point when quoting a job, as they can pick from the most common combinations that you as an admin have defined, 

(b) it reduces the amount of maintenance on equipment matches which can become an unwieldy task with so many hundreds or thousands of possible combinations, and 

(c) it leverages the ease with which your team can customize matchups on the fly when building a quote by using OnCall Air's unique drag-and-drop system builder feature.

The second important thing to remember: if you are no longer offering a particular equipment model, you should remove any occurrence of that model. We'll explain how to do this in a section that follows, but first we'll explain the Bundle Manager in a bit more detail (using the screenshot below as reference). 

[image reflects pinpoints to the steps provided below]

The key features identified above are as follows:

A. To access the Bundle Manager, click into the Office section of OnCall Air and select "Equipment -> Bundle Manager". 

B. Access different types of systems, e.g., "Heat Pump with Air Handler" to view (and edit) your preferred matchups for each capacity.

C. Review your AHRI rating information for each matchup. If you select a different model of equipment, this will automatically refresh to show the resulting AHRI matchup.

D. Click on the menu to see the pricing formula in more detail, or to remove it completely.

E. Review the projected selling price of the base bundle and the project gross profit margin. If you're using Pricing Profiles, you can select different profiles to see the effect on pricing and profit.

F. Add up to 6 distinct bundles for each System Type and Capacity tier. You may want to put your 6 most sold, your six most common system types.

(You can always edit this information when you're building your proposal, so you're not stuck with the six bundles. This video below gives an overview of the concept of bundles and how to edit them on the fly.)

G. Add default included accessories, equipment, or services to each bundle, which will be automatically selected and included in the base price of the bundle.

H. Click on a model (in blue) to see the detailed information and specs about that product.

II. How to Remove Unwanted Equipment Options

There are occasions when a product might be discontinued, or you'd prefer that your team not offer a particular model. Use the Bundle Manager to ensure that the product is removed, as follows:

Step 1. Review the Appropriate System Types

A model may exist in multiple system types. For instance, a Furnace model may exist in the Furnace system type, as well as a AC + Furnace + Coil. Be sure to scan through each system type that may contain the model.

Step 2. Search for the model you'd like to replace

You can search for the model or prefix using the Browser's search feature (e.g., Ctrl-F or Command-F). In this example, I am using the browser to search for a prefix of "25TPA" and it's showing me 1/1 matches:

Step 3. Edit that matchup with a replacing model

Click on the pencil icon next to the model to select another equipment model. This will allow you to swap out that equipment model with a new one. If the matchup is not relevant altogether, you can delete it.

Notice below that when selecting a new model that the system will show you (a) the resulting AHRI rating if you select this model, and (b) the current reported availability of that model at the nearby warehouse(s) for your supplier. Both of these indicators can be helpful to ensure you are selecting the right equipment model.

Once you select the product, the matchup is automatically saved and you can move on the next one.

Step 4. Verify the cost and AHRI matchup.

Once you've updated your equipment, you can verify that the matchup looks correct, review the cost as reported that morning by your connected supply partner, and verify that the projected price and margin are correct.

III. Using "Live Equipment" to Streamline your Options

As we mentioned earlier, the Bundle Manager is not intended to manage all possible combinations, just the most commonly used. 

We'll now explain how to activate your live equipment in OnCall Air to ensure that only the right types of models are available when you our your team is customizing a matchup when building a quote in the App.

A. Select the Live Equipment from the Office, under the Equipment category.

B. Depending on your Supplier and Connector partners, you'll see equipment brands at the top. In some cases (especially for generic equipment types like coils) you'll see a catch-all term "Multi" representing products that might have multiple branding options.

C. Select the type of system from the drop-down. Once you do this, you'll see the available Tiers of products from the brand manufacturer. 

D. Finally, you can activate or de-activate specific tiers by clicking the checkbox. The effect of this is to add or remove those families of products from the view of possible options to select when customizing a quote from the App.

So if you have a tier of options that are no longer offered by your supplier (or a tier that you do not offer) you can remove the possibility that your team quotes it by unselecting the checkbox here.

In conclusion...

As you get more familiar with OnCall Air, you'll start to see how the use of preferred matchup in the Bundle Manager, together with the Alternates setting, is a balanced approach to reducing maintenance pain (no need to maintain hundreds of possible matches), but also gives you flexibility (your team can customize your preferred options easily with the Alternates feature).

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