Customer Direct Rebate Explained

What is customer direct rebate and how to use it

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Written by Customer_Success
Updated over a week ago

Customer Direct Rebate is a type of rebate that is fulfilled by the customer directly. These rebates do not impact the Total Investment amount that the customer will be paying the contractor.

Once a Customer Direct Rebate is added to the proposal a Net Investment item will appear to show what the homeowner will end up paying once they've processed the rebate.

How does it work?

  1. Create a Customer Direct Rebate in the Rebates Catalog (read more)

  2. Add it from the Create Custom tab on the Summary page (read more)

  3. Add it to a proposal

  4. Homeowners will see this rebate and the Net Investment in the Investment Details section on the presented/ accepted proposal

  5. Check Proposal Inspector to see which rebates are labeled as Customer Direct

Example of the Customer Direct Rebate and Net Investment on a proposal:

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