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FlexJob on Presented Proposal

How will the homeowner understand the value of your unique services?

Customer_Success avatar
Written by Customer_Success
Updated over 3 years ago

Including or recommending FlexJob in the presentation means:

1. Providing customers more options with quotes that range from simple repairs to a full replacement system in a single side-by-side proposal.

2. Enhancing jobs with recommendations like IAQ devices or smart home products and make the most of your shoulder season.

To present a FlexJob you will build the proposal as you normally do and share it with the customer.

How does it work?

  1. From App >> Proposal >> Summary page click Present (or Adjust and Present).

  2. The customer will see the Comparison page if you are representing more than one option that Includes a FlexJob.

  3. Each proposal option will show a:

    • Proposal Label,

    • FlexJob Hero image,

    • FlexJob Name,

    • FlexJob Description(up to 5 lines of text),

    • FlexJob features (at least one),

    • Net Investment Amount or Monthly Payments with financing.

4. If you include more than one FlexJob in the proposal, the customer will be able to scroll through them within one proposal card.

5. If you do not have FlexJob Hero Image loaded, we will show the FlexJob Category Icon.

6. The customer will click "View for Details"

7. Detailed Proposal will show each Included FlexJob as a collapsed section.

8. The customer will be able to see any images, products, installation items, descriptions you have provided.

9. All recommended FlexJobs will show up in the Recommended section of the proposal.

Example of Presenting a FlexJob Comparison:

Example of Presenting a FlexJob Presentation Details:

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