What you can do with FlexJob

Five types of problems a FlexJob can solve

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Written by Customer_Success
Updated over a week ago

What can you do with a FlexJob

You can use FlexJobs for a wide variety of scenarios, and in some ways, you are only limited by your creativity.

Below, we'll focus on the 5 types of scenarios that are enabled by this powerful new feature:

And we've also created a separate section with "recipes" that walk you through the process of using FlexJobs for some very specific scenarios [link here].

1. Add More Value to Repair & Service Jobs

Use a FlexJob to quote a repair job, or any type of service. This allows you to use all of the existing power of OnCall Air (like side-by-side quotes, financing, remote presentation, tracking, etc) to quote many more jobs.

FlexJob also allows you to add more value to a repair job, like showing a customer a range of options from a simple repair to a full replacement side-by-side (see recipe), or making recommendations for other higher-value services and embedding those in your repair quote.

2. Make Better – and more Valuable -- Recommendations

With FlexJob, you can now recommend customized work!

For instance, let’s say you are quoting a replacement system, but also suggest to the customer that they should do some ductwork improvements. You can build a FlexJob for Ductwork, and then customize that job on the fly for the description and price that is appropriate in that situation.

You can also use FlexJob to build bundles of recommendations. For example, perhaps you are quoting a larger three-system home with an upstairs, downstairs, and basement system. You can now include a FlexJob recommendation that bundles in three air quality devices as part of the recommendation.

3. Quote More Complex Jobs

OnCall Air is not just for HVAC Replacement jobs! FlexJob makes it possible to quote all types of jobs, whether it is a one-off, commercial job for your local restaurant, or those unique jobs that are outside of your normal course of business.

You can also use FlexJob to bundle installation quotes in a different way: for example, you could create a variety of FlexJobs for the combinations of Ductless single/multi-zone options that make it easier than picking the outdoor unit and then the indoor unit.

[recipe link]

You’ll find over 100 unique categories where you can create jobs.

4. Build Installation or Service Kits in One Bundle

There are many cases where you may include multiple description line items and accessories in every proposal. With FlexJob, you can bundle all of those common products and services into one “kit”, and include that as part of the FlexJob or perhaps as a recommendation.

There are several advantages to this: (a) make it more efficient – and less error-prone – for your team to build many quotes, (b) tell your brand’s unique story more clearly inside of the job, and (c) craft the service message with photos and descriptions that make sense.

5. Use OnCall Air for ALL your Sales

Finally, we know that many HVAC businesses extend beyond HVAC. In fact, some users of OnCall Air run electrical, plumbing or other types of business alongside HVAC.

FlexJob was designed so that you can use the same power of OnCall Air across all of your sales. So that your team is familiar with a single, streamlined tool with unmatched power to quickly create a variety of quotes.

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