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Customizing Before vs After

How View/Edit works from Catalog and inside a Proposal

Customer_Success avatar
Written by Customer_Success
Updated over 3 years ago

You can customize a FlexJob before it's included in one or more proposals, or/and after it has already been included.


It's critical to remember that if a FlexJob is customized AFTER it's been included in a Proposal, that customization ONLY applies to the Proposal Option that it belongs to. This can be useful when you want to make customizations to a FlexJob that only apply to a specific Proposal Option.

Customization AFTER can come especially handy for making changes to recommended FlexJobs or when the customer changes their mind.


If, on the other hand, you want to customize a FlexJob and include it across all your proposal options, then it's important to make those customizations BEFORE you add it into any proposal!

πŸ”ˆ IMPORTANT: Any Customization BEFORE including or recommending a FlexJob on a proposal automatically saves. However, if a user logs out of the app without including or recommending the FlexJob on a proposal, that customization progress will be lost. 
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