Consultation Key Dates

What dates you can use in the proposal history and filters

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Written by Customer_Success
Updated over a week ago

There are a few key dates that we save on each consultation’s history that can help you build robust insights in combination with other filters.

Let’s review these Key Dates:

Created Date

This is a date when a consultation is created. To create a consultation means filing out and saving a customer page of the proposal for the first time.

Presented Date

This is the date we save every time you present a consultation. You can present the same consultation multiple times, so the date that matters to the filtering functionality is the date when the consultation was presented last.

Accepted Date

This is the date we save every time you present a consultation. You can present the same consultation multiple times, so the date that matters to the filtering functionality is the date when the consultation was presented last.

Expiration Date

Every time you present a proposal the countdown to expiration restarts. The expiration period time is the number of days that the consultation will stay active for the consumers to access it via a shared link.

Lost Date

Every time you mark a consultation as Lost, the event log and the proposal summary save the Lost Date. As with the other dates, for filtering, you will only care about the last time you marked it Lost.

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