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Data+ Reference

A detailed introduction to all Data+ reports

Ben Vides avatar
Written by Ben Vides
Updated over a week ago


This is a guide to the reports available in the Data+ module, with an explanation of what you can do with each report -- and why you may want to use it!

We have divided this reference into sections, based on the types of reports available

Trends - Selling trends for your business and your team + detailed consultation exports

Sales Opportunities- Quickly identify follow-up opportunities from pending , expiring, viewed or previously lost quotes.

Product Performance - Insights into what equipment, accessories, installation items your company is selling

Product Catalog - Export equipment, accessories and installation items loaded into the system

Activity - Check rebate, financing, and general activity across the platform

Warranty+ - An optional module for tracking warranties for contractors participating in our Porch Labor Warranty Program

1 Trending Reports

1.1 Sales Performance Snapshot


View key metrics across multiple time frames, and drill down to individual consultants


Useful to understand your company benchmarks


Useful for team or individual discussion on sales activity

1.2 Trends Last 30 Days


Show trends for last 30 days, including quotes, sold jobs, and total investment. Compare to prior 30 days and same period prior year


To identify general trends in the business, and compare performance over periods of time


Check the seasonality by visually comparing your last 30 vs prior year same time

1.3 Sold Consultations


View detailed quote information for all sold jobs


Useful to get sold activity across periods of time, and for exporting to a CSV


Use the Sold Date filter to get exactly the range of activity you need.

* See the end of this document for a complete reference of the columns available in the Consultation Insights and Sold Consultations reports.

1.4 All Consultations (aka, Consultation Insights)


Similar to Sold, except it includes all consultations (quotes) that were created, presented, or sold during the Activity Date range


Detailed extract useful for analysis via CSV export in Excel.


Use Search Anything feature to find customers quickly. Open a new tab in your browser, and copy-paste the consultation code to view the details.

* See the end of this document for a complete reference of the columns available in the Consultation Insights and Sold Consultations reports.

2 Sales Opportunities

2.1 Pending Quotes


View all open quotes, along with the highlights such as number of options in quote, max/min value of quote


To get a quick pulse of the pending activity to follow up on


Sort by Max Value column to see your largest opportunities

2.2 Expiring Consultations


View quotes that are expiring soon


So that you can manage those quotes and perhaps revisit them before expiration


Alter the Expiration Date range. It defaults to the upcoming 7 days.

2.3 Recently Viewed Quotes


What and how many times are your customers viewing your quotes


So you know which quotes are "hot" and should be followed up


Use the viewed count along with the Last viewed date to drill into the latest opportunities

2.4 Lost Quotes


View lost consultations by date lost


Uncover opportunities for customers that may have deferred the purchase or repaired it temporarily.


Change the date lost to go back 6 months or more to revisit those opportunities. Browse Lost Notes for insights into why customers aren't closing.

3 Product Performance

3.1 Products Sold - By Proposal


Find the usage of any product, whether it's installation items, equipment or accessories, in any quote. Includes "Context" to understand if the product was included as Equipment, Accessory, Add-On, etc


Find specific products and activity in quotes


Use "Search Anything" to search for a specific model or series of interest. For example, if you want to track down which customers were quoted or sold a specific thermostat.

3.2 Products Sold Ranking


Understand the popularity of equipment, install items, accessories sold


Get a unique perspective on what products are being sold, how they're sold, and when.


Sold context can help to isolate the types of products you want to understand.

3.3 Matchups Sold


Which bundle combinations are being sold, both live/connected matchups and custom.


To gain a better understanding of the HVAC matchup activity in your system, and to plan ahead with your supplier.


Use Consultant dropdown to understand patterns by user

4 Product Catalog

4.1 Accessories Loaded


Get a detailed report of the accessories (live or custom) that you currently have enabled in OnCall Air


To more efficiently understand existing accessories


Duplicate the browser tab so that you can make accessory edits side-by-side with this screen.

4.2 Installation Items Loaded


Similar to Accessory Loaded, lets you see which Install Items are set up


To better organize and understand your Install Items, especially when you have a large number of items


Verify costs and overrides quickly

4.3 FlexJobs Loaded


View and export all FlexJobs currently loaded in your system


To better organize and understand FlexJobs, pricing, etc


Search for products within FlexJobs with the Search Anything panel

5. Activity Reports

5.1 Rebate Activity


Ranking of rebates included in quotes and sales


To understand utilization of rebates


Use the "Sell Rate" to see how often a rebate in a quote is part of a sale.

5.2 Financing Plan Activity


Ranking of financing plans in quotes and sales


To understand which financing plans are most popular, and how they perform (via the Sell Rate)


Refine your financing strategy by understanding the sell rate popularity

5.3 All Company Activity


View consultation activity across your organization in one place


To view activity more broadly across consultations and understand what's happening in the business


Use filters to drill down to specific types of events

5.4 SideNote Activity


Display usage of Side Notes


To view which consultations (quotes) have specific notes and what the general chatter is across the system


Encourage team members to use SideNotes to track opportunities

6 Warranty+ Tracking and Reports

The Warranty+ module is only unlocked for contractors registered to offer the Porch Extended Labor Warranty product.

6.1 Warranty Quote Activity


Display which quotes are including warranties


To better understand quoting activity, and how warranties are being presented


Check the Included In to see how often the Warranty is included in the overall quote vs offered as an Add-On

6.2 Sold Warranties


Track sold warranties and easily click to Register


Makes it easy to register the warranty once the installation is done. Simply click on the "Register Now" option.

Once you click on Register Now, the search fields will be pre-populated to make warranty registration as fast as possible


Keep an eye on pending registrations by visiting this daily.

6.3 Registration Tracker


Track warranty registrations


To view your registered warranties for reference


The contract code is updated periodically with the code to reference your customer's warranty contract

7. Appendix

7.1 Consultation Export Reference

The fields available in the Sold Consultations and All Consultations exports include:

  • Report Refreshed Date

  • Company

  • Consultation Code

  • Consultation Name

  • Lead Type

  • Status

  • Assigned Consultant

  • Customer First Name

  • Customer Last Name

  • Created Date

  • First Presented Date

  • Last Presented Date

  • Accepted Date

  • Lost Date

  • Lost Reason

  • Customer Email

  • Customer Phone

  • Customer Street Address

  • Customer City

  • Customer State

  • Customer Zip

  • Customer Country

  • Created BY

  • Accessory-Only

  • Option Positions Presented

  • CountOptionsPresented

  • Proposal Position Accepted

  • RemotelyViewed

  • RemotelyViewedCount

  • LastDateViewedRemotely

  • PreviouslyUnaccepted

  • Accepted Option - Total Investment

  • Accepted Option - Net Investment

  • Accepted Option - Discounts

  • Accepted Option - Discounts Descriptions

  • Accepted Option - Deposit

  • Accepted Option - Balance Due

  • Accepted Option - Direct Rebates

  • Accepted Option - Direct Rebates Description

  • Accepted Option - Standard Rebates

  • Accepted Option - Standard Rebates Description

  • Accepted Option - Count ADD-Ons

  • Accepted Option - Add-Ons

  • Accepted Option - Equipment Costs

  • Accepted Option - Accessory Costs

  • Accepted Option - Install Item Costs

  • Accepted Option - Markup Commission

  • Accepted Option - Markup Financing

  • Accepted Option - Markup Rebates

  • Created TIME

  • Created HOUR

  • Created WEEK

  • Created MONTH

  • Created YEAR

  • Created DayName

  • LAST Presented TIME

  • LAST Presented HOUR

  • LAST Presented WEEK

  • LastName Presented MONTH

  • LAST Presented YEAR

  • LAST Presented DAY

  • Accepted TIME

  • Accepted HOUR

  • Accepted WEEK

  • Accepted MONTH

  • Accepted YEAR

  • Accepted DAY

  • FIRST Presented TIME

  • FIRST Presented HOUR

  • FIRST Presented WEEK

  • FirstName Presented MONTH

  • FIRST Presented YEAR

  • FIRST Presented DAY

  • Presented Counter

  • Accepted Counter

  • Equipment Bundle Profile

  • Total Investment Option 1

  • Total Investment Option 2

  • Total Investment Option 3

  • Total Investment Option 4

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