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FlexJob Recipe: Quantity on Recommended
FlexJob Recipe: Quantity on Recommended

How to effectively recommend products on multi-system homes and more

Customer_Success avatar
Written by Customer_Success
Updated over a week ago


You estimate multiple systems or units in the same job. You present the quote with the included scope of work, but really-really wish you could also recommend more than one add-on to account for each system.

Let's explore how to not only do that but also make that add-on even more attractive to the consumer.

How? With the help of a FlexJob!

Develop your Strategy

There are two main strategies you can apply:

​Strategy A. You build FlexJobs on the back-end for the most common types of Add-ons beforehand.


  • Full control over the service price and quality of the job description.


  • The upfront time investment to build out each package in the office.

Strategy B. You only build a single placeholder for any recommended items. Your team will alter/customize this job based on the individual customer's needs.


  • Minimal upfront effort to build packages in the office.

  • Maximum personalization opportunity on every job.


  • You cannot use FlexJob Price Override.

  • Your team needs to be well-trained.

Setup the FlexJob

πŸ—‚ Step 1: Categorize

As an admin, you'll create a FlexJob for the category and subcategory that you want these add-ons to serve. That means that you can create a placeholder for the most common categories, or just have one across all of them.

Why would you want to have categories tied to the job? Most probably to help you keep them organized, but also gives you a chance to use a Pricing Strategy for a specific category later.

Put a clear name like 'Recommendations' or 'Add-ons Placeholder for multi-system homes' -- your team can personalize the job title for a specific customer.

In my example, I will call it 'Recommendations Placeholder'.

The top section can look something like this:

πŸ“Έ Step 2: Visualize

Adding a description is a bit tricky since you cannot anticipate the exact products, offerings, services the job will be used for. So I will keep it simple and broad.

Here is an example:

This article explains how to use the OnCall Air Image Catalog built specifically for you. Better yet, include the photos of your own team at work!

If you are pressed for time, grab one of the placeholder images here.

Here is my example:

🍱 Step 3: Organize

If you are building a generic Recommendations Placeholder, we will leave our Products and Installation Items completely empty. The consultant will add whatever they need in the field.

To help them get a hang of it even faster, why not leave a few instructions in the Notes section:

πŸ’² Step 4: Price

For the recommendations placeholder, we cannot use the Price Override option. Otherwise, it will lock the included items in. We will have no way to add, remove, or change the quantity of the items when building a quote [read more]. And that will defeat the purpose!

However, some of you might have a small universe of recommendations. In that case, it's ok to add products and installation items for each of them and use the override.

Here is an example of Pricing I set up for this job. Since it's a placeholder, it only has some default base cost, margin, and nothing else:

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦ Present to the Customer

Now, you and your team can use this super-flexible placeholder for a variety of recommendations when building a quote.

πŸ‘‰ If you need a refresher on how to customize and recommend FlexJobs on a proposal, please read here.

Once the customer opens the details of the Recommended FlexJob, they will appreciate your careful customization:

  • title

  • description

  • quantity

Here is an example of a recommendation with 2 humidifiers:


πŸ₯³ That's it! Now give it a try and share your success stories!

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