Flexible Sales Tax

How to change Sales Tax on a proposal?

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Written by Customer_Success
Updated over a week ago

The Flexible Sales Tax feature allows any user to change the Sales Tax percentage used for any given proposal prior to presenting it.

This can be useful in scenarios where the type of job, e.g., a repair or commercial job vs a residential improvement, might require a sales tax to be collected. Or perhaps when a proposal is being quoted in a different municipality, where the Sales Tax differs from the standard Sales Tax.

How does it work?

The Summary tab of the Consultation -- the last step before presenting a proposal -- displays the default sales tax rate set up by an admin user in the Office.

The user has the ability to change this default tax rate on any of the proposal options. As soon as the change is made, the system recalculates the Sales Tax amount and the resulting Total Investment.

Example of Flexible Sales Tax feature in action:

In this example, we'll show a Sales Tax section of the summary tab, and assume there are two proposal options in the consultation.

By default, the Sales Tax set in the Office is displayed, along with the subtotal that it is applied to:

If a user wants to change the Sales Tax for the first option, they click the pencil icon to edit, and the tax percentage becomes editable:

Clicking on Save will then update the sales tax amount, and any other dependent amounts like the Total Investment:

Of course, the sales tax entered only accepts values between 0.00% and below 100%.

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