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ServiceTitan Integration Explained

How does the ServiceTitan and OnCall Air integration work. What happens after a job is sold in OnCall Air? And other related questions.

Carmela Fermin avatar
Written by Carmela Fermin
Updated over a month ago

Note: This article assumes that you have already set up the ServiceTitan integration and created the tag for OnCall Air proposals. If not, please click on the relevant hyperlinks above before proceeding.

Send customer information from ServiceTitan to OnCall Air

In ServiceTitan, navigate to 'Calls' and either find the current customer or create a new customer:

Fill in the Job Details, if it is a Job Type associated with the Oncall Air tag (set-up here), you will see the OnCall Air tag appear. In order for the customer to be sent to Oncall Air, the OnCall Air tag must be added to the job:

Once finished, click Book Job. The customer information will then be sent from ServiceTitan to OnCall Air, resulting in the creation of a new consultation containing all the customer information.

Building a consultation in Oncall Air

In OnCall Air, a new consultation, already populated with the customer's information from ServiceTitan, will be available in draft status. Select this consultation and proceed with its construction.

When an OnCall Air consultation is in the Draft status, it corresponds to a single Estimate in ServiceTitan that is associated with an Open status and is priced at $0.

This signifies that the consultation is still in draft mode and has not yet been presented in OnCall Air:

Once an OnCall Air consultation is presented, the initial $0 Open Estimate in ServiceTitan is updated to a Dismissed status. The number of proposal options from the OnCall Air consultation will be created as separate Estimates in ServiceTitan, each associated with an Open status. The Total Investment for each individual proposal option from OnCall Air will be reflected in these Estimates:

This enables you to see the number of proposal options presented, the pricing of each estimate, and allows to delve into the particulars of each proposal. This includes aspects like equipment, accessories, installation items and more, which were incorporated in each OnCall Air proposal option and can be accessed directly within ServiceTitan:

Accepted OnCall Air Proposal in ServiceTitan

When a proposal option is accepted in OnCall Air, the corresponding estimate's status in ServiceTitan will be updated to 'Sold'. Meanwhile, the estimates that were not accepted will have their status updated to 'Dismissed'.

When you select the 'Sold' estimate within ServiceTitan, you'll find product information in the summary section of the estimate. Additionally, a link to the OnCall Air 'Accepted Proposal' and the 'Inspector' is provided, offering easy access to proposal information, if needed:

What if a OnCall Air consultation is unaccepted?

If an OnCall Air consultation is unaccepted, the originally 'Sold' estimate will be marked as dismissed in ServiceTitan. A new estimate, representing the consultation presented in OnCall Air, will be created in ServiceTitan.

View Consultation History

To view the information exchanged between ServiceTitan and OnCall Air, utilize the event log. On the home screen of OnCall Air, click on the arrow adjacent to the consultation and then select 'View History'.

Here, you can verify whether the consultation originated from ServiceTitan and determine if the accepted consultation was subsequently posted back to ServiceTitan.



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